On the 5 th September, the Kelly’s Heroes team took to several schools within the Northamptonshire region to deliver their 90-minute programme on suicide safety in schools. Reports show that around 200 students die by suicide every year in the UK and we know that this knowledge and confidence trickles down into real-time, real-life moments of genuine help, intervention and support for those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts.
After the tragic loss of Callum Woodcroft, who sadly took his own life in March 2022, Director of Nene Education Trust, Matt Coleman has been working with the Kelly’s Heroes team over the last 12 months to create a bespoke training programme to be delivered to all staff, regardless of job title but who work in an education setting.
Nearly 400 members of staff took part in the ‘Suicide Safe Community’ training which educated them on looking out for signs that a student may be in distress and what to do if they feel a student may be feeling suicidal.
The training included:
- The history of suicide
- Language to use around those who have been affected by suicide
- Signs to look out for in students and how to be ‘suicide aware’
- How to signpost a student you are concerned about
- What to say to someone who is suicidal
Never have the team delivered training to so many in one day and whilst the day was incredibly emotional and hard hitting, the feedback that has been given so far has been extremely positive and the hope is that with Matt’s ambition and drive, the Kelly’s Heroes team can roll this out to every school across the County as well as parents and students.
In recognition of his inspirational drive and his determination to affect positive change and do something good from the most horrific of situations, the team decided to award Matt our first ever ‘Community Champion Award’.
Matt hopes that by working together, and building relationships, we can raise awareness of suicide risk, dispel common myths and misperceptions about suicide, increase understanding of the range of support available for someone at risk of suicide and how to practically support someone who may be at risk of suicide.
Well done Matt a very well-deserved award!
If you work in an educational setting and would like to know more about the ‘Suicide Safer Community’ project, please email hello@kellysheroes.org.uk