Our memorial page is dedicated to all those lives lost through suicide.

We can add a picture, a heart or a candle in memory of a loved one.

Simply send the details to support@kellysheroes.org.uk

Any donations received will go towards suicide prevention.

Our beautiul page dedicated to those who died by suicide.

It can happen to anyone, any age any time, please do reach out if you need support.

Kelly Hewitt

Kelly Hewitt

11/05/1994 - 18/12/2018

Michael Bromley

24/11/87 – 10/12/22

Eugene Parbery

07/04/1983 - 27/12/2019

Dennis Hilliard

1971 - 2000

Darcey Hope

25/01/1990- 06/10/2019

Andy Davis

14/4/1964 – 17/9/1993

Anthony Griffiths

24/2/1984 – 12/2/2021

Callum Woodcroft

14/6/2008 – 31/3/2022

Churton Wilson

7/5/1954 – 14/9/1994

Craig Dean

29/1/1993 – 7/5/2022

Jonny Moore

14/10/1975 – 28/1/2022

Nick Taylor

14/9/1984 – 21/10/2020

Ian Holdsworth

5/9/1971 – 20/10/2021

Tom Acford

17/7/1997 – 15/6/2022

Danny Marriott

1986 - 2012