Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. Whatever reason brings you to our volunteering page, there is always a chance to give something back, for a cause close to your heart, for the benefit of our community or to learn a new skill. Volunteering not only feels good, but research shows it can improve your own mental health – win,win!
Online Volunteer Form
To ensure our services reflect the needs of the younger generation, We Mind & Kelly Matters have a Younger Persons Advisory Committee. They help us shape our strategy and services for the younger generation. You can get involved in supporting us, and ensure we stay on track with the way younger people find support. As technology and digital media advances, your youthful knowledge can keep us delivering the support in a way that appeals.
Find out how you can attend a focus group or join the committee here info@kellysheroes.org.uk
As a charity we are serious about the quality of our services and the importance of having the right people. Delivering our strategy and ensuring we have the best people working for us means that fundraising for experienced qualified staff forms part of our fundraising plan. Our aims include helping those in need, and to do that we must run as a professional business, be resourceful, effective and sustainable.
To keep our core costs low, we welcome support from professionals with certain business skills. Perhaps you are an IT expert, creative in media or marketing ? Whatever your skillset, donating your time, either a one-off use of holiday time, or on a regular basis, it could be the greatest experience of your time.
Changing the culture of workplace mental health comes in many forms, but it must start at the top. If your company or employer supports staff’s mental health and encourages employees to give back to the community what better way than to offer We Mind & Kelly Matters your services pro bono. Whether that is legal advice, public relations, financial auditing, you can ensure that we will work with you to align your corporate social responsibility strategy and ensure everyone benefits.
Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Trainers, Wellbeing & Emotional Support Volunteers PLUS Lived Experience
For all our clinical services, which means support with either a psychotherapist or counsellor, we only use paid qualified staff due to the complexities around suicide and the depth of expertise required to provide safe services. We currently do not offer any counselling student placements for trainees.
Our support workers for our LIVE CHAT service receive training to ensure that they are able to offer the right level of advice and guidance. Likewise, all our trainers are accredited and qualified to deliver, advocating the professionalism of our services.
However, what often benefits survivors of suicide is lived experience, whether you have current mental health problems or have been bereaved by suicide. There are a variety of ways you can support our services. If you feel you have the right skills and would like to volunteer, please send your information to info@kellysheroes.org.uk
To keep our core costs as low as possible, all our fundraising committee team donate their time to help set up a schedule of events and fundraisers throughout the year. Your time may be spent collecting donations for stall sales, selling raffle tickets or delivering posters and leaflets, every little helps. So, if you are interested in helping our fundraising and events team email us at info@kellysheroes.org.uk