On 4th & 5th July Wellingborough Golf Club hosted the Glazerite Trophy (Thurs) for the top professionals in the Midland Region followed by the Pro-am on the Friday. Customers took part in the Friday competition followed by an evening in the Marquee on the lawn. The band Point Blank played 2 sets during the evening and Peter Mew (Aka Mewy) hosted the auction which at the end saw guests paying money for him to remove his suit. No doubt there are videos of this all over social media. All Customer entry fees and tee sponsorships were donated to the charity along with the proceeds from an auction for items generously donated by Ron & Ann Haslam, Janet Taylor, Peter Hall, Wellingborough Golf Club, Elaine McGowan & the Midlands PGA. We currently stand at over £10,000 with the final total hopefully exceeding £11,000.
To every single person that helped arrange the day, volunteered on the day, turned up on the day/evening, donated money or an auction prize or bought something from the auction we thank you for you kind support and generosity. Your love & support is helping us to keep Kelly’s memory alive and will contribute towards supporting people going through similar daily struggles that Kelly herself went through.